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Email Client Setup: Old Android Devices

Android Email Setup Video Walkthrough (Android starting at 1:45 into the Video)

The video above lists an incorrect port setting at 2:38 for the OUTGOING (NON-SSL). The correct port is 587 as shown below.

Android Email Setup Walkthrough (IMAP)

Screenshots (click to enlarge)
Step 1
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Step 3
Step 3
Step 4
Step 4
Steps 5 & 6
Steps 5 & 6
Step 7
Step 7
Step 8
Step 8
Step 10
Step 10

You will need your incoming mail server, outgoing mail server, full email address, and your email password. The default settings are listed below.

  1. Go to View All Applications.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Select Add Account.
  4. Select Email.
  5. Fill in the following information:
    • Email Address: Your full mailbox address (example: john@your-domain.com)
    • Password: Your mailbox password
  6. Select Manual Setup.
  7. Choose IMAP.
  8. Fill in the following information:
    • Username: Your full mailbox address (example: john@your-domain.com)
    • Password: Your mailbox password
    • IMAP Server (Incoming): imap.verio.com
    • Port (Incoming): 143
    • Security Type: You can choose to enable SSL with this setting. If you choose to enable SSL, be sure to change the Port settings accordingly.
    • IMAP Path Prefix (Optional): You can simply leave this blank.
  9. Select Next.
  10. Fill in the following information:
    • SMTP Server (Outgoing): smtp.verio.com
    • Port (Outgoing): 587
    • Security Type: You can choose to enable SSL with this setting. If you choose to enable SSL, be sure to change the Port settings accordingly.
    • Require Sign-In: We recommend having this box checked.
    • Username: Your mailbox address (example: john@your-domain.com)
    • Password: Your mailbox password
  11. Select Next.
  12. The email setup for your Android Device is now complete.
Note: You may replace imap.verio.com and smtp.verio.com with your own domain name. (e.g., imap.mydomainname.com & smtp.mydomainname.com)

Android Email Setup Walkthrough (POP)

Screenshots (click to enlarge)
Step 1
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Step 3
Step 3
Step 4
Step 4
Steps 5 & 6
Steps 5 & 6
Step 7
Step 7
Step 8
Step 8
Step 1o
Step 10

You will need your incoming mail server, outgoing mail server, full email address, and your email password. The default settings are listed below.

  1. Go to view all applications.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Select Add Account.
  4. Select Email.
  5. Fill in the following information:
    • Email Address: Your mailbox address (example: john@your-domain.com)
    • Password: Your mailbox password
  6. Select Manual Setup.
  7. Choose POP.
  8. Fill in the following information:
    • Username: Your mailbox address (example: john@your-domain.com)
    • Password: Your mailbox password
    • IMAP Server (Incoming): pop.verio.com
    • Port (Incoming): 110
    • Security Type: You can choose to enable SSL with this setting. If you choose to enable SSL, be sure to change the Port settings accordingly.
    • IMAP Path Prefix (Optional): You can simply leave this blank.
  9. Select Next.
  10. Fill in the following information:
    • SMTP Server (Outgoing): smtp.verio.com
    • Port (Outgoing): 587
    • Security Type: You can choose to enable SSL with this setting. If you choose to enable SSL, be sure to change the Port settings accordingly.
    • Require Sign-In: We recommend having this box checked.
    • Username: Your mailbox address (example: john@your-domain.com)
    • Password: Your mailbox password
  11. Select Next.
  12. The email setup for your Android Device is now complete.
Note: You may replace pop.verio.com and smtp.verio.com with your own domain name. (e.g., pop.mydomainname.com & smtp.mydomainname.com)

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